Clients Style
Clients Shortcode
[clients effect="fadeInUp" num="5" m_num="3"] [client link="#" target="_self" img="" alt="wordpress"] ... [/clients]
Params | Default | Possible Values | Description |
num | 5 | The clients default one row show number | |
m_num | 3 | The clients mobile (<=768px) one row show number | |
effect | none | none , bounce , flash , pulse , rubberBand , shake , swing , tada , wobble , bounceIn , bounceInDown , bounceInLeft , bounceInRight , bounceInUp , bounceOut , bounceOutDown , bounceOutLeft , bounceOutRight , bounceOutUp , fadeIn , fadeInDown , fadeInDownBig , fadeInLeft , fadeInLeftBig , fadeInRight , fadeInRightBig , fadeInUp , fadeInUpBig , fadeOut , fadeOutDown , fadeOutDownBig , fadeOutLeft , fadeOutLeftBig , fadeOutRight , fadeOutRightBig , fadeOutUp , fadeOutUpBig , flip , flipInX , flipInY , flipOutX , flipOutY , lightSpeedIn , lightSpeedOut , rotateIn , rotateInDownLeft , rotateInDownRight , rotateInUpLeft , rotateInUpRight , rotateOut , rotateOutDownLeft , rotateOutDownRight , rotateOutUpLeft , rotateOutUpRight , hinge , rollIn , rollOut , zoomIn , zoomInDown , zoomInLeft , zoomInRight , zoomInUp , zoomOut , zoomOutDown , zoomOutLeft , zoomOutRight , zoomOutUp |
The client item show effect |
Image Align Left with fadeInRight

Image Align Center with bounceIn

Image Align Right with slideInLeft

Image with FancyBox

Image Shortcode
[img title="Click Image View" align="alignright" url="" fancybox="yes" src="" effect="fadeInLeft"]
Params | Default | Possible Values | Description |
title | The image title | ||
align | default,alignnone , alignleft , aligncenter , alignright |
The image align | |
url | The image click url | ||
target | _self | _self , _blank |
The image click url target |
effect | none | none , bounce , flash , pulse , rubberBand , shake , swing , tada , wobble , bounceIn , bounceInDown , bounceInLeft , bounceInRight , bounceInUp , bounceOut , bounceOutDown , bounceOutLeft , bounceOutRight , bounceOutUp , fadeIn , fadeInDown , fadeInDownBig , fadeInLeft , fadeInLeftBig , fadeInRight , fadeInRightBig , fadeInUp , fadeInUpBig , fadeOut , fadeOutDown , fadeOutDownBig , fadeOutLeft , fadeOutLeftBig , fadeOutRight , fadeOutRightBig , fadeOutUp , fadeOutUpBig , flip , flipInX , flipInY , flipOutX , flipOutY , lightSpeedIn , lightSpeedOut , rotateIn , rotateInDownLeft , rotateInDownRight , rotateInUpLeft , rotateInUpRight , rotateOut , rotateOutDownLeft , rotateOutDownRight , rotateOutUpLeft , rotateOutUpRight , hinge , rollIn , rollOut , zoomIn , zoomInDown , zoomInLeft , zoomInRight , zoomInUp , zoomOut , zoomOutDown , zoomOutLeft , zoomOutRight , zoomOutUp |
The image show effect |